New “Shop for Miracles” Contest Is Happening Now – there’s still time to sign up!

October 7, 2016 Co-op Solutions

Shop for Miracles

Shop for Miracles

October is “Shop for Miracles” month! Shop for Miracles is a month-long Credit Union for Kids fundraiser and member awareness campaign, and it’s running right now. CO-OP has just announced a new way for credit union leagues to win more donations for their local hospitals. CO-OP will make two $25,000 donations – one to the league with the most credit unions participating in Shop for Miracles, and the second to the league with the highest percentage of participating credit unions.

About Shop for Miracles and Miracle Match

Each year, CU4Kids, CUNA and WOCCU promote Shop for Miracles as a powerful and easy way for credit unions to celebrate International Credit Union Day in October. The campaign raises much-needed funds for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals and raises awareness about the credit union difference by demonstrating the people-helping-people philosophy in action.

As part of the $1 million Miracle Match program, CO-OP has set aside a total of $500,000 for the 2016 Shop for Miracles campaign, including the League Contest and social media donations (described below). Through Miracle Match, CO-OP matches credit union donations to CMNH dollar for dollar.

This year, CO-OP has added the Shop for Miracles League Contest to support International Credit Union Day, and to graphically demonstrate the significant local impact of credit unions working together cooperatively. Shop for Miracles is an opportunity for leagues and their participating credit unions to engage member and consumer awareness of credit unions and how they contribute to their local communities. It’s also a way for credit unions to highlight their credit and debit card programs in advance of the holiday shopping season.

CO-OP recognizes the valuable role leagues play in promoting the growth and cooperative strength of credit unions. Through this contest, CO-OP hopes to boost participation in Shop for Miracles and raise even more funds for CMN Hospitals with encouragement from these organizations.

Get Started Now

Credit unions: Sign up for Shop for Miracles and pledge to make a donation by October 20, International Credit Union Day. This year, credit unions are being asked to make a suggested donation of 25 cents for each debit or credit card user, though of course any donation is at the discretion of the individual credit union.

Ask your members to post on social media using #ShopForMiracles. CO-OP will donate $1 every time members post something they love about credit unions to their favorite social media channels using #ShopForMiracles – up to a total donation of $100,000! Posts will be counted through October 31, 2016.

And be sure to apply for Miracle Match! Credit unions do not need to be CO-OP clients to apply – CO-OP is extending Miracle Match funding for this event to ALL participating credit unions. CO-OP will match donations dollar for dollar up to $10,000 for CO-OP credit unions and $1,000 for non-CO-OP clients.

Leagues: Encourage your credit unions to get on board. CO-OP will donate $25,000 on behalf of the League with the most participating credit unions and the highest percentage of participating credit unions to CMN Hospital(s) in their state. To track credit union pledges, visit

Spread the word! Visit the Shop for Miracles toolkit page for materials you can use to inspire credit unions and their members to participate.

Don’t miss this opportunity to raise funds for CMN Hospitals and make a cooperative impact. Credit unions – along with the organizations that support them from coast to coast – can make a massive difference in their communities.

To make a Shop for Miracles pledge, visit

To sign up for Miracle Match, visit

The original article New “Shop for Miracles” Contest Is Happening Now – there’s still time to sign up! can be found on Insight Vault.

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